Facebook Interest Lists In 20201: How They Work

 Facebook Interest Lists In 20201: How They Work

The Facebook algorithm has been a thing of confusion for many. Page Reach has decreased over the years and has discouraged many Page owners.

The actual reach of your Page’s posts is determined by many factors, including fan interaction, but what happens when your fans just aren’t seeing your posts as frequently as they would like?

Unfortunately, this can be a massive blow to your marketing efforts if you’re trying to run a Facebook contest to increase engagement, and even hamper your long-term ability to sell your blog in the future.

Today, I wanted to give you a super simple way to make sure you see every post from your favorite Pages.

All you have to do is set up a quick Facebook List and you’ll never miss out on a post! Follow these steps below to get started:

Step 1:

You can start by heading over to my Facebook page and “Liking” it if you haven’t yet. (Head on over there anyways to start setting this all up!)

Next, click on that little gear icon beside the “Liked” button and choose “Add to Interest Lists… ”

Step 2:

If you have no lists created, create a new list as shown below:

This popup will open, click Next:

Step 3:

Choose a List Name like “Favorite Pages” or “Posts I Don’t Want To Miss”… Anything you want!

You can then choose who can see what pages you have in your list. Click Done when you are set.

Now when you view your Facebook home page, or News Feed page, you’ll see your new list in the sidebar, like so:

All of the posts from the Pages in this list will appear here. It’s a shame that they won’t all automatically show up in your current news feed, but clicking on that link to your list will make sure you don’t miss a thing!

If you want to move your List name to the top of your sidebar instead of at the bottom, just click on the little edit icon beside the List name and “Add to Favorites”:

It will immediately move that link to the top of your sidebar!

You can now add other Pages to this list. On the right hand sidebar, Facebook suggests some pages for you that you can easily add.

You can also type in some of your fav page names in the “+ to this list” textbox.

Now whenever you are on somebody’s Facebook page, you can simply add them to your List!

Just click the gear icon again and “Add to interest lists” as shown below:

Voila! If you want to support your favorite pages, this is a great way to stay updated. You can share this post with your fans as well to show them how to make your content available at the click of a button.

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